UHKF to Conclude 50/50 Lottery After Final March Draw

Final UHKF 50/50 Lottery draw this March!

University Hospitals Kingston Foundation (UHKF) is discontinuing its 50/50 lottery, with the final draw set for March 2025. 

Since its inception in 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic, the lottery has given participants the chance to win substantial prizes. However, UHKF leadership has decided that it is time to refocus resources on other high-impact fundraising initiatives. 

"The 50/50 lottery was a creative and effective way to generate support during a time when in-person fundraising wasn’t an option," said UHKF President and CEO Tom Zsolnay.  

While the lottery has been successful in generating prize money for participants, it also comes with substantial hidden costs and administrative demands. 

"The significant staff time and operational expenses limit the Foundation’s overall return on investment," Tom explained. "This decision was not made lightly, but ultimately it is the right pathway forward for UHKF. Now that the team and I can fully embrace in-person fundraising again, we want to ensure our efforts have the greatest possible impact on the hospitals and patients we serve." 

By the time the program concludes, more than $1.1 million in prizes will have been awarded to participants. 

Ticket sales for the final jackpot draw will close on March 27 at 11:59 p.m., with the last draw taking place on March 28.  

UHKF encourages those who have participated over the years to consider buying tickets one last time and to explore other ways to support the foundation’s mission. 

"As we close this chapter, we invite our supporters to continue making a difference through one-time or monthly giving, our Honour Your Caregiver program or even volunteering," he said. "These contributions ensure that we can meet the ever-changing needs of our hospital partners and continue providing outstanding care for people across southeastern Ontario."

Note: UHKF’s Staff Lottery for Providence Care and Kingston Health Sciences Centre employees will not be impacted.