Host a Fundraiser

From 2023-2024, more than 55 community events raised more than $1.4 million for local health-care initiatives.

We are pleased that you are considering holding a fundraising event to benefit Kingston Health Sciences Centre and Providence Care through University Hospitals Kingston Foundation (UHKF)!

Host An Event Form

We are excited to work with you on your next event. Please fill out the form below.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you would like more information, please contact UHKF at 613.549.5452 or

Do I have to raise a certain amount?

No, every dollar makes a difference. We appreciate any amount that you can raise.

Can I designate the proceeds from my event to a specific hospital or department?

Definitely! Please indicate the fund designation on the Event Proposal Form or let staff know where you would like your funds donated.

How do I give UHKF the money I raised?

Bring the money you've raised to the UHKF office at 55 Rideau St., Suite 4, Kingston, ON. When you come, we will take a photo of you with a REALLY big cheque!

Will all donors be able to receive an official tax receipt?

Yes, however you must provide us with a list of your donors, including the following information:

  • Donor’s Name
  • Complete Address
  • Method of Payment
  • Donation Amount
  • Telephone number and email address

Please refer to the sample Pledge Form and Tax Receipt Form for more information.

UHKF will mail them a tax receipt for any donation over $20.00.

How do I let people know about my event?
  • Promote it on social media
  • Community event boards
  • Tell your colleagues, family, neighbours, etc.
  • If you are hosting an event as an organization, take advantage of your marketing outlets 
What do I do if I receive a cheque?

Bring it with the cash you have collected to the UHKF office at 55 Rideau St., Suite 4, Kingston, ON.

Will UHKF find or provide sponsors for my event?

We can help you identify companies that are a good fit for your event, however, we cannot provide you with a list of supporters or solicit corporate sponsors. We would be more than happy to review your list of potential supporters and help you prepare your sponsorship strategies.

Can a UHKF or hospital representative attend my event?

We will do our best to have a UHKF or hospital representative attend and show support. Due to the high volume of events, we can not always guarantee attendance, but encourage you to connect with our team in advance.

Can I hold a raffle and/or auction at the event?

Yes, but please be aware of the guidelines governing raffles and other gaming activities carried out for charitable purposes. Please refer to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario website for the full information regarding these guidelines.

Can I use the UHKF name and logo for promotion of the event?

Once the event proposal has been submitted for approval, we can provide you with our logo. You can then start using the UHKF name and logo to help promote your event. Please note it is required that all materials with our logo or name are to be submitted to UHKF for review and approval.