Read UHKF's Your Legacy Newsletter!
Ways to Give:
A Gift in Your Will
Your will conveys the final wishes for the distribution of your estate and can be a simple and effective way to support both your family and the causes you care about. You can choose to designate a certain sum of money, a particular asset, or a portion of your estate to UHKF. Contact UHKF for your personal will wording.
A Gift of Securities
A gift of appreciated, publicly-traded securities, such as stocks, bonds or mutual fund units, is one of the most tax-efficient ways to make a gift. Download the Gift of Publicly Traded Securities Form.
A Gift from Donor Advised Funds
You can recommend ongoing grants from your donor advised fund to UHKF or make UHKF the beneficiary of your fund. Contact UHKF for more information.
A Gift of Registered Funds
You can designate UHKF as a beneficiary of your RRSP, RRIF, or TSFA or make a gift in your will from the proceeds of your registered funds. We can work with you and your financial professionals to determine if these options are right for you. Contact UHKF for more information.
A Gift of Life Insurance
There are many ways to make a gift using existing or new life insurance policies and different tax advantages for each. You can give ownership of a new or an existing policy to the Foundation or simply name the Foundation as the beneficiary. You can also make a “no-cost” gift by using life insurance to replace the value of a current gift of cash or stock to your heirs. We can work with you and your insurance advisor to determine if these options are right for you. Contact UHKF for more information.
A Gift of Residual Interest
If you have personal property, such as real estate, vacation property, art or special collections, you can donate these assets to charity now while continuing to enjoy them for a specified term or until end of life. You may even select to retain the use of property for the life of your spouse or other beneficiaries. Contact UHKF for more information.
Establish a Charitable Remainder Trust
You can set up a charitable remainder trust for one or more income beneficiaries who will receive the income from the trust, generally for the duration of their life. When all income beneficiaries are deceased or the term of the trust ends, UHKF receives the remaining assets. Contact UHKF for more information.
Establish a Charitable Gift Annuity
Provides you with guaranteed, continuous income throughout your life, preferred tax benefits on that income, and often, a higher return than similarly guaranteed income investments can offer. This plan is of particular interest to people in their 70s or older who are prepared to make an irrevocable gift to a charity. Contact UHKF for more information.
Setting up an Endowment
You can create a named endowment fund through a one-time donation, a multi-year pledge, or through your estate plans. Endowment funds require a minimum investment. Once the minimum investment is received, you, your family or friends can add to it at any time. If you are considering establishing an endowment, contact UHKF to discuss how to structure your gift to achieve your wishes while aligning with the future needs of UHKF’s health-care partners.
For Professional Advisors
We work closely with lawyers, financial advisors, and accountants to assist you and your client with making a planned gift. Here is some important information you may find useful.
Legal Name: University Hospitals Kingston Foundation
Charitable Registration Number: 820218147RR0001
Address: 55 Rideau Street, Suite 4, Kingston, Ontario K7K 2Z8
Sample Will Wording
Unrestricted Use
I give the University Hospitals Kingston Foundation the [sum of (or) percentage of the residue of my estate] to be used for any purpose of the health-care organizations in accordance with University Hospitals Kingston Foundation policies.
Restricted Use
I give the University Hospitals Kingston Foundation the [sum of (or) percentage of the residue of] my estate to be used for the following purpose(s) [your choice of designation]. In the event that the specific purpose of the gift becomes impossible, inadvisable or impractical, the gift may be used for any purpose(s) in accordance with University Hospitals Kingston Foundation policies in so keeping, as far as possible, with the general intent of the gift.
Residual Contingent
If my [name of spouse], does not survive me or dies within thirty (30) days of my death and if my [name of child/children] fail to survive me, I direct my Trustee to transfer the rest and residue of my estate to the University Hospitals Kingston Foundation to be used for [any purpose(s) / your choice of designation] in accordance with University Hospitals Kingston Foundation policies.
Your Legacy Newsletter
UHKF brings you the latest edition of the Your Legacy Newsletter which highlights impactful stories of how donors like you help keep our community healthy including:
- ‘A Legacy of Caring’ featuring Anne and Peter Case whose decision to support local hospitals through gifts in their wills was driven by both personal health journeys and a broader understanding of the challenges facing our health-care systems.
- ‘Leaving a Legacy by Funding Prostate Cancer Research’ which tells the story of Larry Phipps, a long-time health-care supporter, who passed in 2013 and established an endowment (followed up with an estate gift through his will) to fund cancer research in honour of his parents, Will and Ethel Phipps.
The newsletter also features a section on ‘Charitable Giving and Taxes’ written by Greg Brown, Senior Associate Insurance Advisor at Park Place Financial, which breaks down tax implications of different methods of charitable giving and potential financial benefits.