Staff Lottery

Play to win!

Every two weeks, two lucky staff members will be drawn at random to receive a cheque: one for $1,000.00 and another for $500.00. There are also many special draws throughout the year with more chances to win!

Your chance to win is only $5.00 every two weeks! Staff Lottery is open to all employees, physicians, associated staff and registered volunteers at Kingston Health Sciences Centre and Providence Care.

To Join the Staff Lottery

I am a staff member and want to sign up through payroll deduction (PDF FORM)

I am a physician, associated staff member or registered volunteer (PDF FORM)

Enrollment forms can be sent via inter-office mail to: University Hospitals Kingston Foundation, 55 Rideau St. Once you are enrolled, you do not have to re-enroll for any special draws or every year. You will be entered until you fill out the withdrawal form below.

Draws take place at 1:00 p.m. every second Wednesday at the University Hospitals Kingston Foundation office at 55 Rideau Street and are open to the public to attend. Winning names or ticket numbers are posted here. If you are having any issues with the PDF version of the form, please email and we will send a form via inter-office mail.

Lottery License # 857770

Previous Winners

Jan 29 Winner - $1000  Kim Hamilton2
Ashely Bullock and team
Andrew Schick
Heather Doucette
Michelle Graham
Lauree Closs
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UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
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UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
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UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
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UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
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UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
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UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners
UHKF Staff Lottery Previous Winners

Staff Lottery - Frequently Asked Questions

Please note, a full list of rules and regulations is provided with the enrollment form.

Who can join the staff lottery?

The staff lottery is voluntary and open to all employees, physicians, staff, and registered volunteers at KHSC and Providence Care.

How much is it to enroll?

Kingston Health Sciences Centre and Providence Care will provide payroll deduction to employees who wish to enroll in the voluntary Staff Lottery. A total of five dollars is deducted from each pay.

Non-salaried employees, registered volunteers and associated employees are eligible to participate in the Staff Lottery by purchasing their tickets directly from University Hospitals Kingston Foundation by means of cheque or cash in the amount of one hundred and thirty dollars ($130) which represents 12 months’ participation. Enrolment through this process will be continuous until the tickets paid for have run out.

Will I receive a charitable receipt?

No, because the purchase involves the chance to win a prize, ticket purchases are not considered a charitable donation.

How many tickets are printed?

A set number of tickets will not be printed. Only tickets sold will be entered in the draw. That is if 2,000 tickets are sold, each ticket holder will have a 1 in 2,000 chance to win each draw. There must be 400 tickets sold for any given draw for UHKF to continue the lottery.

When and where will the draws take place?

Draws will be held on Wednesday of every pay week at UHKF office (55 Rideau Street) at 1:00pm and are open to the public in accordance to all Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario guidelines.

What does the money get used for?

Funds from the staff lottery will be shared by Kingston Health Sciences Centre and Providence Care and directed back in support of patient care.

How do I know if I am a winner?

All winners will be notified in person or by telephone. Photos or ticket numbers of bi-weekly winners are posted on the University Hospitals Kingston Foundation website within a few days of the draw. Prize winners may also be listed on the intranet.

How do I collect my winnings?

Winners will be surprised and presented with their prize in a form of a cheque in a timely manner, the winners names and photos may also be used on social media and communication channels by University Hospitals Kingston Foundation, Kingston Health Sciences Centre and Providence Care.

Can I win more than once?

Yes, one ticket is eligible for all draws schedule after the time of purchase. Only one ticket may be purchased by an eligible staff member for each draw.

Can I enter more than once per draw?

No, each staff member is only able to enter once per draw (to a maximum of $5.00 deduction per draw). If you are employed at multiple participating hospitals, you may only enter from one of the participating hospitals.

Who will be making the draw?

A staff member of the UHKF will randomly select the winner. UHKF staff members are ineligible to participate in the staff lottery. This person will have no other involvement with the lottery.

Payroll Deduction Questions

How much is the payroll deduction?

Payroll deduction is a $5.00 deduction from each pay cheque.

What if my employment status changes?

Any changes in employment status will reflect a change in payment schedules. In the case that someone who wishes to enroll in the Lottery does not have sufficient funds on their cheque to be deducted for the Staff Lottery, their name will NOT be placed in that particular draw. Staff will also be excluded from the draw during unpaid periods, but will not be automatically withdrawn from the lottery.

If someone provides an invalid payment (NSF cheque, etc.), they are ineligible for the prize, even if their name is drawn.

Lottery Withdrawal Form

If you wish to no longer participate in the staff lottery, please fill out and email the completed form

Rules and Regulations
  1. Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC) (Hotel Dieu Hospital and Kingston General Hospital sites)and Providence Care will provide payroll deduction to employees who wish to enroll in the voluntary Staff Lottery.
  2. $5.00 will be deducted from the employee’s pay each payday (every 2 weeks) for those who enroll in the lottery. These deductions are not eligible for charitable receipts.
  3. Non-salaried employees, registered volunteers and associated employees are eligible to participate in the Staff Lottery by purchasing their tickets directly from UHKF by means of cheque or cash in the amount of one hundred and thirty dollars ($130) which represents 12 months participation. Enrolment through this process will be continuous until the tickets paid for have run out. This one-time payment is not eligible for a charitable receipt.
  4. To participate in the Lottery, employees must complete the Staff Lottery Enrollment Form (available on the Intranet and the UHKF website, delivered to University Hospitals Kingston Foundation (UHKF) 55 Rideau Street, Suite 4, or via inter-office mail or fax 613-549-5455.
  5. A minimum of 400 participants are required at all times. Should the enrolment drop below 400 employees, the Staff Lottery will be suspended. Additionally, UHKF reserves the right to discontinue the Lottery at any time and to refund deductions where required.
  6. Each hospital will direct the funds to UHKF. Proceeds from the Staff Lottery Program will be returned to the facilities to support patient care.
  7. A draw will take place at 1pm every second Wednesday at UHKF (55 Rideau Street). The names of all eligible participants will be placed in a ballot box. A winner will be selected at random from the ballot box by a staff member from UHKF. The winners will receive a cheque issued in their name in the amount of $1,000 and $500 (tax free) from UHKF. Winners will be notified by phone and e-mail following the draw. If UHKF is unable to coordinate this with the winner, the presentation will happen as soon as there is a mutually agreed upon time.
  8. Employees who wish to withdraw from the Lottery are able to do so at any time by providing (30) thirty days written notice to UHKF using the staff lottery withdrawal form found on the UHKF website. Otherwise, deductions will continue indefinitely.
  9. Non-salaried employees, registered volunteers and associated employees who wish to withdraw from the Lottery are able to do so at any time by providing (30) thirty days written notice to UHKF using the staff lottery withdrawal form found on the UHKF website. Once the withdrawal form has been processed, the individual will be issued a cheque for the ticket price of any pre-paid draws that they have requested to be removed from.
  10. Participant names are confidential and only winning names will be released upon consent from the winner.
  11. Employees enrolled in the Staff Lottery are eligible to win in every draw to which they have paid the cost of their ticket.
  12. The prize is fixed at the amount of $1,000 and $500 regardless of the number of participants – as long as a minimum of 400 players are enrolled. As the number of employee participants increase, UHKF will hold bonus draws (amounts and dates TBD). In the event of bonus draws, the winners of the $1,000 and $500 regular draws will be put back in the ballot box for the bonus draws.
  13. If a participant’s name is included in any draw, they are ineligible for refund on that draw. Also, if a participant’s name is excluded from any draw for whatever reason, a refund of the ticket price only will be made.
  14. The Staff Lottery will be administered by the staff of UHKF in partnership with payroll departments at KHSC and Providence Care.
  15. Staff of UHKF and volunteer board members, and the KHSC and Providence Care payroll staff person who has direct contact with the names to be entered into the lottery will not be permitted to participate in the Staff Lottery thereby avoiding any questions of conflict of interest.
  16. In the case that someone who wishes to enroll in the Lottery does not have sufficient funds on their cheque to be deducted for the Staff Lottery, their name will NOT be placed in that particular draw. Staff will also be excluded from the draw during unpaid periods, but will not be automatically withdrawn from the lottery.
  17. If someone gives an invalid payment (NSF cheque, etc.), they are ineligible for the prize, even if their name is drawn.
  18. Deductions will show on employee pay stubs and will be on the year-end T4 as a non-taxable deduction. This is not considered a donation to a charity. Due to the fact that the employee has a chance to win a prize means this is a not a charitable donation.
  19. New participants may enroll at any time. Employees are encouraged to check their pay stub to confirm they are enrolled in the Staff Lottery Program.
  20. Employees who withdraw from the lottery cannot sign up again until one year after the date of their withdrawal